Home Video
Home Video
Well Designed Video System
No entertainment system is complete without an exceptional video system. Whether it is at home or a workplace, an AV system plays a vital role in delivering entertainment and various business functions to a small or large audience. Well-designed video systems can display films or images through the use of high definition technology and deliver them with clarity and depth of colour.
Hence, they are of great value to movie buffs who like to enjoy their favourite films in high-definition, as well as businesses that require clear and clever AV solutions for their presentations, meetings, and announcements. Whether you need an advanced home video system or a commercial video solution, we can provide design and installation services for all kinds of projects.

What is Multiroom Video?
Multi-Room Video has a simply philosophy – to provide you with a centralised, easy to use control system that allows you to select different choices of media and then distribute them to different zones (or rooms) around your home at the same time.
The benefits – well happy families for a start. Imagine a system that lets you choose firstly between – Sky TV, DVD, Digital TV, Blu-ray or even view that CCTV camera. Then imagine being able to watch that source individually (or simultaneously) in any room in the house whilst also offering up that same possibility to all your other family members. For more information see our resources page.
To achieve Multi-Room Video, we have some simple questions to ask? Don’t worry we will run through each of these with you.
Where to begin
- Identification of your required Audio-Visual sources
- Apple TV
- Sky
- Netflix
- BT
- Blu-Ray / DVD
- Video collection on a Network-attached storage (NAS) Drive
- Identification of the Media Zones required
- How many rooms (or zones) do you wish the media distributed to?
- Where are each of these zones located within your home?
- Identification of appropriate cable requirement to distribute required media to each zone
- Cat 5 / 6
- The type of equipment to be allocated to each zone
- Smart TV
- Projector / Cinema Screen
- The centralised location of equipment
- Where will the Multi-Room Video control equipment be located?
- We call this Node Zero. Basically, it is the convenient centralised area that houses the key sources such as your SKY player, Apple TV, DVD player and the control matrix to select sources.